Friday 2 September 2011


During August 2011 a total of 36 138 new passenger cars were sold in South Africa. This equated to an increase of 13 percent when compared to July, and grew by eight percent when compared to August 2010, bringing year-to-date sales of new passenger cars in 2011 to a level 16.7 percent above January to August sales last year.

“Volkswagen Group South Africa topped passenger vehicle sales with 8 070 sales during August. This is equal to a 22.3 percent share of the total passenger market,” said VWSA Sales and Marketing Director, Mike Glendinning.

“The uniquely South African Polo Vivo continues to sell in excess of 3 000 vehicles a month – with 3 322 sales during August. This figure saw the Uitenhage-built model being the top-seller in the country for yet another month. Polo was the second-best seller, with 2 343 sales. These two products alone make up 15.7 percent of the entire passenger market.”

“We are most delighted with our Commercial Vehicles Brand, which came in with a record of 1 015 sales during August. The previous best figure of 951 sales was recorded during July this year. The Amarok, in both the single (295 units) and double cab (380 vehicles) variants, accounted for two thirds of these sales.”

Cumulatively, the Group’s three brands accounted for 17.7 percent of the total market – with 9 085 of its vehicles leaving the showroom floors. August was also VWSA’s best month in terms of a combination of exports and sales – with 18 005 vehicles leaving the factory gates during the course of the month.

“The new passenger car market performed well in August, driven strongly by seasonal demand from rental car companies which contributed 20 percent to new cars sold during the month.”

“The third quarter of 2011 will in all probability also yield lower rates of economic growth which will weigh on the pace of growth in the new car sales cycle. While new car sales will continue to be supported by sales to rental car companies in coming months, the full year 2011 new car market at this time appears likely to end up around 15 percent up on the 2010 market,” concluded Glendinning.


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