Monday 6 August 2012


Social networks have become a well-established way of exchanging information quickly and easily. Now, one of the largest ever field trials of car-to-X communication (C2X) is set to show how this concept can be adapted in order to increase the road safety and efficiency of motor cars. The trial consists of 120 vehicles that will take to the roads of the Rhine-Main region until the end of the year.

Each car has a network link to the others, as well as to the traffic infrastructure, and they will keep each other updated about the current traffic situation. For example, if the tail-end of a traffic jam on the A5 autobahn is hidden behind the crest of a hill, vehicles approaching the problem area can be alerted in good time, allowing the driver to take appropriate action. In situations where drivers have difficulty seeing what’s happening on the road ahead of them, for example on the federal highway B3, C2X technology can help to prevent pileups, e.g. by providing information about an emergency stop to traffic further back, even if the actual brake lights may be hidden by a lorry. 

C2X systems can also do their bit to make traffic more efficient and thus more environmentally friendly, e.g. by helping to control traffic light systems according to demand, thereby optimising traffic flow. In addition, it can offer a range of convenient functions such as suggested routes to the nearest available car park. That makes C2X communication a key element in the technology of the driver assistance and safety systems of the future.


  1. this sounds amazing. when can they do it?

  2. I understand now why I love Mercs

  3. It could all be so dangerous hey. Can you imagine


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