Monday 23 April 2012


Lamborghini has finally delivered on its threats to unveil an SUV concept, which could be produced within the next two years. The Urus concept will debut in China at 2012 Auto China in Beijing and is named after the Aurochs bull. You can Google that if you like.

So basically, this is a serious study for Lambo as it continues to investigate ways of increasing global sales and profits. Seeing that China is the new driver (yes, that is a pun) of car sales around the world, especially SUVs, it’s quite appropriate that it’s unveiled there.

The car features an undetailed engine that apparently produces around 440kW of power, is mated to a double-clutch gearbox and sends torque to all four wheels. This would be the most powerful SUV in the world, if it came to life.

Inside we see lots of carbon fibre, leather seats, touchscreen infotainment and others. Outside there is a strong resemblance to other Lambos, including the strong front end with those big sharp eyes, bending metal, large air dams, a kinky side profile, 24-inch wheels, four chrome tailpipes and others.

The car would really be quite peerless as Ferrari, its most direct and famous rival, does not have an SUV in its plans. At least not yet anyway.


  1. more like lamborini urine

  2. A Lambo only a mother can love

  3. X6 must watch its back. but actually this one is all alone because x6 is just a bimmmer not a lambo.


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