Tuesday 28 February 2012


Transport Minister Sibusiso Ndebele has welcomed the Western Cape High Court's sentence imposed earlier today (Tuesday, 28 February 2012) on mini-bus taxi driver Jacob Humphreys for killing 10 children, as well as the attempted murder of four others.

Judge Robert Henney handed down an effective 20-year jail term and also cancelled Humphrey's driver's licence with immediate effect.

“We welcome this sentence, and hope that it will serve as a deterrent to other motorists. We want 2012 to be the year of action for safer roads,” said Minister Ndebele. “Those who are turning our roads into killing fields must be isolated and exposed for their deeds are not only a danger to themselves, but pose a real threat to the sustainability of society. Together with the Ministries of Justice and Police, as well as the National Prosecuting Authority, we will continue to go all out to ensure that dangerous drivers are removed from the roads. As government, we want to make it very clear that we remain steadfast in our resolve to bring down the fatality rate on our roads.

The reduction in road deaths is not just desirable; it is an urgent non-negotiable, and has become our daily mission, which has called upon world leaders to work together during this Decade of Action for road safety and to share solutions to this challenge. Through the National Rolling Enforcement Plan (NREP), we will continue stopping and checking no less than a million vehicles and drivers every month, as well as aggressively pursue dangerous drivers who drink and drive, drive recklessly or drive inconsiderately,” said Ndebele.

Last month (January 2012), 8 507 motorists were arrested across the country including 1 762 for drinking and driving, 84 for reckless and/or negligent driving, 215 for excessive speed, 206 for goods overloading, 4 572 for outstanding warrants of arrest, 220 for not being in possession of valid public transport permits, 54 for false documentation, 97 for not being in possession of a valid driving licence and 1 297 for various other offences. During the same period, 1 223 100 vehicles and drivers were checked, and 484 476 fines issued for various offences including 33 724 for failing to wear front seatbelts and 1 274 for failing to wear rear seatbelts. Four thousand seven hundred and ten (4 710) vehicles were discontinued from use, and 26 vehicles impounded.


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