Thursday 22 December 2011


More than 1 400 motorists have been arrested across the country for various traffic offences since the start of the festive season. From 1 to 18 December, 1 434 motorists were arrested including 501 for drunk driving, 93 for excessive speed, 37 for reckless and/or negligent driving, 104 for overloading, 420 for  not being in possession of valid public transport permits, 16 for not being in possession of a valid driving licence, 22 for false documents and 241 for other offences.

During the same period, 544 379 vehicles and drivers were checked, 117 061 fines issued for various traffic offences and 3 956 un-roadworthy vehicles (the majority of which are buses and taxis) discontinued from use.

As part of the December holiday road safety plan, Transport Minister Sibusiso Ndebele joined law enforcement officers at a roadblock, and also visited a near-by tavern, at Edendale, Pietermaritzburg in KwaZulu-Natal yesterday (Wednesday, 21 December). The Minister handed out disposable self-test breathalysers and encouraged road users to test their alcohol levels before getting onto the roads.

“Road users, particularly passengers utilising public transport, must speak out against bad driving. Commuters in buses and taxis must not allow themselves to be carried around like a bag of potatoes; they must not keep quiet and must refuse to get into overloaded vehicles as their rights include that of safe movement. While passengers are vocal on numerous other issues, many are silent when it comes to road safety. Ensure that you don't sacrifice yourself on the road. The best traffic officer is yourself. Report any traffic offence to 0861 400 800. Test yourself to know your alcohol limit, and test your vehicle before embarking on a journey. Leave early, drive slowly, live longer and ARRIVE ALIVE, said the Minister.

Last month (November), 1 047 345 vehicles and drivers were screened and 289 394 fines issued for various traffic offences. Four thousand five hundred and nine (4 509) un-roadworthy vehicles were taken off the roads. More than 5 100 drivers were arrested, including 1 724 for drunk driving, 160 for excessive speed, 111 for reckless and/or negligent driving, 64 for overloading, 2 539 for warrants of arrest, 106 for public transport permits, 106 for not being in possession of a valid driving licence, 31 for false documents and 346 for other offences.

Over the past three months (September, October, November 2011), more than 3 500 public transport and freight drivers have been arrested as part of pre-December holiday traffic law enforcement operations and following Minister Ndebele's instruction that every bus and taxi must be stopped and checked.

From October 2010 to October 2011, 15 051 565 vehicles and drivers were checked, 6 287 308 fines issued for various traffic offences, 21 575 drunk drivers arrested and 60 313 un-roadworthy vehicles (the majority of which are buses and taxis) discontinued from use, as part of the new National Rolling Enforcement Plan (NREP) and million-a-month vehicle check announced by Minister Ndebele on 10 September 2010.

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