Thursday 8 December 2011


Volkswagen Group Design Director Walter de Silva is leaving no beans unspilled as he reveals more and more interesting stuff to Automotive News Europe. The latest is confirmation of a previous rumour, that Audi will get into the BMW X6 segment with something media have called the Q6. That’s a unique segment, meaning the X6 practically has no rivals as a Coupe SUV.

Not for long apparently. And if anyone knows about this, it will be de Silva, the man who signs off every design that goes into production from Audi. Unfortunately there is no timeline as to exactly when this will happen, however, we speculate there should be something shown or running by the year 2014.

Additionally there could be a sort of Q4, fitting under the Q5 and above the Q3. It would also be a Coupe type and compete with the upcoming BMW X4.

1 comment:

  1. Audi better pick up their socks on this one otherwise they'll never catch up like


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