Monday 21 November 2011


Andrea Bate (22) has done Mzansi quite proud by being chosen as one of the 18 drivers for the 2012 FIA Institute Young Driver Excellence Academy. Bate, from Cape Town, was chosen from a group of 30 from across the globe. Her countryman Ashley Haig-Smith unfortunately didn’t make it.

The next phase is all about development and will last a year. The drivers will be coached 'in the car' by former Formula One race driver Alexander “Alex” Wurz and his team from Test and Training International, and 'out of the car' by former World Rally Champion co-driver Robert Reid and his team from Elite Sports Performance.

Other aspects to be developed include skills in driver and road safety, psychology, nutrition and handling media. While IN4RIDE thinks this is an awesome thing to happen to one of us (go Andrea!), it is a pity that not more kids get this type of opportunity. 

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