Tuesday 29 November 2011


An internet report claims that BMW and Toyota are courting each other with the aim of sharing technologies. BMW, the world leader in premium car sales, and Toyota, until recently the world’s biggest seller of all cars, are said to be walking down the aisle.

A report by AutoNews Europe says powertrains are the talk of the lobolo negotiations. Specifically BMW wants Toyota’s hybrid technology in order to solidify its current number one position in the US, while Toyota is very much interested in BMW’s turbo diesel secrets. The latter is a global leader through cars like the Prius. It has sold over 3 million hybrids so far. At the same time, BMW’s diesel engines are considered to be among the best in the world and would help Toyota sell more cars in diesel-mad Europe.

Neither company was interested in commenting on “media speculation”. However, the old saying “there’s no smoke without a fire” has turned out true quite often in matters of this nature. Just look at the recent Maybach story as one reference.


  1. This headline is so misleading please change it

  2. There's all kinds of marriages Tom...


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