Wednesday 3 August 2011


Owing to the good demand situation, the Mercedes-Benz plant in East London also is increasing its output: beginning in July, the plant will work additional shifts in its passenger cars production also on the four Saturdays of August. In July the largest number of right-hand-drive vehicles in the history of the East London plant rolled off the assembly line.

Dr. Wolfgang Bernhard, member of the Board of Management responsible for Manufacturing and Procurement Mercedes-Benz Cars & Mercedes-Benz Vans: “The C-Class is selling outstandingly well. To meet the high customer demand we are working extra shifts in production also in South Africa.”

Rainer Ruess, head of the Mercedes-Benz East London plant: “With the entire team putting in a great effort, we are producing at the limits of capacity in East London – never before did we build so many vehicles for right-hand-drive markets in one month as in July.”

Globally, since the first month of its introduction to the market the new generation of the C-Class Sedan has defended the top position in its class. In all, Mercedes-Benz posted 11.4% higher sales in the C-Class segment in the first half of 2011 – in June even 18.7%.


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